Is your spouse or common-law partner living inside of Canada but is not a permanent resident but would like to be? Is your spouse or common-law partner living outside of Canada? What about your children or parents or even your grandparents? Would you like them to come live in Canada with you permanently?

Of course you do, and we can help you with that!

Every situation is different, but the basic requirements of sponsoring a family member according to the Government of Canada are:

  1. You are at least 18 years old.
  2. You’re a Canadian Citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or a person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.
  3. You’re able to prove that you’re not receiving social assistance for reasons other than a disability.
  4. You can provide for the basic needs of any persons you want to sponsor.

Those are the basics, but there may be other things the Canadian Government may need you to have, but that’s where we can help! Contact us and we will work with you on your application.

Super Visa (Parents/Grandparents)

What’s a super visa? Glad you asked!

This special visa is like a visitor visa with multiple entries into Canada. But unlike a visitor visa that only allows you to stay in Canada 6 months at a time, the super visa:

  • Is only for parents and grandparents of Canadian citizens or permanent residents.
  • Allows its holders to stay up to 5 years in Canada at a time without needing to renew.
  • Is valid for 10 years.
  • Is super!

The basic requirements for a super visa according to the Government of Canada are as follows:

  1. Be a parent of grandparent of a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
  2. Have a signed letter from your child or grandchild who invites you to Canada.
  3. Have medical insurance from a Canadian insurance company.
  4. Apply for the super visa from outside of Canada.
  5. Be allowed to enter Canada.
  6. Take an immigration medical exam.
  7. Meet certain other conditions.

There a few more requirements than just the above, and number seven is a bit vague, but Wellspring Immigration can help clarify the other requirements for you. Reach out to us and we can help you become super!… visa holders.