Whether you came here for work or to be with family you now want to become a Canadian citizen. Congratulations, we’re happy to have you! And, guess what? You don’t need to give up your home country’s citizenship! Canada has no limits on dual or multiple citizenships, so you can hold onto your other passport if you want.

How do you become a Canadian citizen? The basic process according to the Government of Canada website is this:

  1. Be a permanent resident.
  2. Live in Canada for 3 out of the last 5 years.
  3. File your taxes.
  4. Pass a test on your rights, responsibilities, and knowledge of Canada.
  5. Prove you meet the language requirements (in English or French).

Those five steps are the basics, but there may be other exceptions or requirements depending on your situation.

Wellspring Immigration can help you develop a plan to become a Canadian citizen. Just contact us and we can get started right away!… but we can’t pay your taxes. That one’s on you.